Monday, April 23, 2012

Sun Chips Multigrain grab bags

I recently got to try a new flavor--6 Grain Medley Parmesan and Herb flavored multigrain Sun Chips.  They were great!  My husband and daughter loved them too.  It was great to have some yummy chips in a grab bag for quick lunches.  The best part is that they have 21 grams of whole grains and 4 grams of fiber in each serving.  So when you find yourself in the chip aisle at the grocery, look for these new flavored chips with whole grains and fiber and give them a try.  You won't be disappointed!!

***I received  One week’s worth of SunChips 6 Grain Medley Parmesan & Herb flavored multigrain snacks and a SunChips lunch bag for free in exchange for an honest review of Frito lay's product.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Easter Sunday

 Super Star!

We'll in this photo (April 8th) I am 36 weeks pregnant, and I finally got a belly picture up.  Probably a good thing before I go into labor.  My OB appointments have been going well.  April 3rd I was 2-3 cm dilated, 50% effaced and on April 10th I was 3-4 cm dilated, still 50% effaced.  I have had some rough nights and thought maybe we'd be heading to the hospital, but the contractions haven't been regular enough.  No matter what, I am being induced on May 1st around 10pm at night.  So 2 weeks from this coming Tuesday, we'll be meeting the little guy, if he doesn't decide to come out before.  We're so excited to hold him!!
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