Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Summer Vacation

Amazingly enough, Tom has started his clinicals and our summer break is over. It was so awesome to have those 4 weeks of just being together as a family and doing whatever our little hearts desired. We did a lot of traveling this summer even with a little one in tote.

1. My parent's house--4 hrs round trip and we did that twice
2. Taste of Chicago and Tom's parents house--13 hrs. round trip
3. Tom's parents house-- about 12 hrs. round trip

So, I'd say that we have done our share of driving around this summer and B. really hasn't slowed us down much at all.
Another one of our adventures included a night of camping with B. We only went for a night b/c we wanted to see if we could do it. It was actually quite successful!! B. is such a great baby. She loved looking around in the tent since our tent is red, black and white.

Ready to go camping

Bunny Slippers

The most scenic diaper change place ever!!!

Tom's first day at clinicals was great!! He is really looking forward to working [for free :)] at this clinic. He's already learned so much just in his first day. I'm so glad to hear that. You never know what kind of place you'll end up at and whether it will be beneficial or not.
I'm starting up piano lessons again here soon. This will be interesting juggling lessons around caring for B. Life is going well and we are really enjoying being a family of three.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Weight and Length Update

On Tuesday, B. weighed 11 lbs. 15 oz. and measured 23 1/4 inches. She is growing so fast and is in the 75% for weight and length. She continues to notice all kinds of things around her and her personality is quickly becoming apparent.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

2 month photos

Another month has gone by believe it or not. Here are some photos of B. at 2 months. Recently, B. has just noticed ceiling fans. She thinks they are so awesome and gives the biggest smiles when she sees them moving.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Lily's Party

On July 19th my cousin Mary's baby, Lily, turned one. Kids sure do grow up fast. We had a great time getting together with family and enjoying all the babies!!

Meagan and Makenna (1 week), Amanda and B. (7 weeks), Mary and Lily(1 yr.)

Lily with Aunt Melanie

Tom giving B. her second bottle in her whole little life.
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