Thursday, June 17, 2010

Memorial Weekend Outdoor Projects-Part II





Memorial Weekend Outdoor Projects-Part I

Isn't that one of the tallest dandelions you've ever seen? These were the flowers we were growing for a little while in our planters in our front yard. But they bit the dust during memorial weekend. We did a lot of outdoor work and below are some of the before and after pictures we took.

Before-Front Yard:
Ivy growing on the house and the side planter.

Growing dandelions and a pine tree blocking our house number on the lamp post.

After-Front Yard:

No more pine tree, ivy or dandelions
The bushes also got a trim...just for the time being. They will be going once we have the money to landscape.

Before-Side Yard:
This was a monster bush/tree in our side yard. We think it was a shrub that got way out of control.

Our little helper.

Working on cutting it down.

After-Side Yard:

With the bush/tree down, we moved the swing set and it made room for the garden.

View from the street in front of our house.

Garden area marked out.

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