Monday, December 31, 2007

18 Weeks

Believe it or not, I'm already 18 weeks along. Today I had an appointment and I'm always thrilled to hear that little miracle heartbeat. We scheduled my ultrasound for January 14th. So the countdown begins to when we find out if it's a boy or a girl. Of course, we are counting on baby to cooperate and let us see what gender we are having. So far my nephew Andrew has his vote in for a boy. He has two sisters and would like another boy in the family. I guess we'll see.
Our Christmas was great. We did a lot of traveling in order to see our families. It always seems to go by so fast especially since I work retail and don't get many days off during the holiday season. I'll be posting some photos as soon as I get them developed. My belly has really started popping out there now for all to see. I love being pregnant!!!


the johnson crew said...

how exciting amanda, i can't wait to hear what you are having!

Alyssa said...

Oh, good! New pictures! I have been waiting to see that growing belly:). Our ultrasound in on the 15th. We are so close with everything so far. How cool!

How are you feeling?

Elizabeth said...

Congratulations! I had no idea!
It seems as though you're feeling well. I'm glad.
God bless!

Mo's Mob said...

An ultrasound - how fun! Looking forward to hearing about the baby. Tell your wonderful parents I say hello when you talk to them. Hope you're feeling well!

Alyssa said...

WE have our ultrasound today, and that reminded me that you had yours yesterday. I was hoping for a post!! Can't wait to know:)!

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