We had our ultrasound yesterday and found out that it is indeed a girl. Our little girl was pretty wiggly and had a case of the hiccups. When the sonographer decided to try and find out what our little one was...our little girl put her hand down there so that we couldn't see. Finally she moved it and we saw that it was a girl. She's a very modest little girl. The following picture was the best one we got since she was so wiggly and her hands and feet were in front of her face. We think she might have a foot in font of her face in the picture.
I'm also uploading our Christmas photos...better late than never. We did have a wonderful time with family and it was so nice to have my parents home for Christmas for a change.

oh amanda, i am so excited for you guys! congratulations on your little girl on the way. how exciting.
by the way, you look wonderful... such a pretty little prego mamma. - and thanks for signing my blog so i could remember to check yours to find out what you are having. i can't wait to see pictures of her when she is born.
take care!
such a cute little prego belly you have - you look great, I can tell you are so happy!
Congrats! That is so great!!
A GIRL!!!! YEA! I am so excited for you. So, do you have a name picked out yet? You look great too! How exciting!!!
We found out yesterday, but I haven't posted anything yet. I know, how awful to make people wait. We are hoping to get the video up today.
CONGRATULATIONS! You are going to LOVE having a baby girl! Girls are tons of fun. She'll be your little buddy. :) And did I mention how fun it is to dress up little girls in cute dresses?!? I'm so excited for you both! Keep us posted on how things are going in the pregnancy and keep those lovely preggo photos coming!
Our video is now up of what we are having:)!
How are you feeling? So glad all is well. I love seeing you smiling with a baby in your belly. It makes me smile too:).
Amanda - Congratulations on finding out about your little girl! How exciting! It's so fun catching up on friends from the past! Hope you're feeling well! Cute, cute picture of the baby belly too - so sweet!
yahoo - we found out last week we are having a boy...our little stinker was anything but modest :) but he was facing my spine so we didn't get the wonderful profile view most people get....love ya girlie
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