2014....what a year for our family. As I think about this past year, life can be heartbreaking and joyous.
In February, Tom's dad had another heart attack and surgery. At the end of March/beginning of April, Tom's dad began having hospice come to the house to help control the pain from the cancer, and we began traveling to the east side of the state every weekend to spend time with him. We traveled for the months of April and May. Tom's dad passed into glory on B's birthday, June 2, 2014. We miss him. Christmas was not the same, and it's weird saying that we're going to Amma's house instead of Amma and Papa's. J. still on occasion will say that Papa is sleeping (this is what he said when he saw Tom's dad in the casket). Life is hard to keep living when loved ones are gone from our presence. The only thing that keeps us going is knowing that Tom's dad is enjoying the pleasures of heaven and being with God.
In August, we welcomed our sweet new edition to our family--little baby G! What a joy during a heartbreaking year! When we found out we were pregnant last December 2013, we thought well, God must want us to have a little one now instead of later. And after enduring this past year, we know why God gave us this little bundle of joy to comfort our hearts.
While Tom's dad was beginning hospice and heading into the end stages of his cancer, my mom began declining in her health. We knew that something had happened health wise back in June 2010. My mom was convinced it was a stroke, but over the years things didn't get better and continued to decline. Her right arm was becoming more rigid. Her speech was down to yes, no and a few words strung together, and then she began having motor planning issues. In April 2014, mom was trying to come up the stairs from the basement and fell breaking 10 ribs and spraining her ankle. She recovered, but walking was now a real problem and began to resemble parkinson's. She began having issues with transitions (like going from the hardwood floor to the rug) and needed to be led around the house by my dad. In August 2014, my mom was diagnosed with a rare neurological disease called Cortical basal ganglionic degeneration (CBGD). The picture above is the first time my mom got to hold baby G. We took lots of pictures and it was a pretty special time.
On October 23, 2014, my Grandma Turnbow passed away at the age of 92. She had been struggling with CHF for a while. I was so glad that we got to go over and visit her in the hospital before she died. She was able to meet Baby G too!
We don't know what God has planned for 2015. I would appreciate your prayers for my dad as he cares for my mom. He is doing everything and that can get weary. Pray for mom as we can tell she is frustrated not being able to communicate and get her body to do what she would like it to do. She gets tired pretty easily also.
Life isn't promised to be easy. Sin is ugly and makes us long for the day we will be free from the consequences of sin and at home with our Savior. Thankful that though our bodies may perish, we have a home in heaven awaiting us. One where we will be whole and free to live as God intended--glorifying Him.
In February, Tom's dad had another heart attack and surgery. At the end of March/beginning of April, Tom's dad began having hospice come to the house to help control the pain from the cancer, and we began traveling to the east side of the state every weekend to spend time with him. We traveled for the months of April and May. Tom's dad passed into glory on B's birthday, June 2, 2014. We miss him. Christmas was not the same, and it's weird saying that we're going to Amma's house instead of Amma and Papa's. J. still on occasion will say that Papa is sleeping (this is what he said when he saw Tom's dad in the casket). Life is hard to keep living when loved ones are gone from our presence. The only thing that keeps us going is knowing that Tom's dad is enjoying the pleasures of heaven and being with God.
In August, we welcomed our sweet new edition to our family--little baby G! What a joy during a heartbreaking year! When we found out we were pregnant last December 2013, we thought well, God must want us to have a little one now instead of later. And after enduring this past year, we know why God gave us this little bundle of joy to comfort our hearts.
While Tom's dad was beginning hospice and heading into the end stages of his cancer, my mom began declining in her health. We knew that something had happened health wise back in June 2010. My mom was convinced it was a stroke, but over the years things didn't get better and continued to decline. Her right arm was becoming more rigid. Her speech was down to yes, no and a few words strung together, and then she began having motor planning issues. In April 2014, mom was trying to come up the stairs from the basement and fell breaking 10 ribs and spraining her ankle. She recovered, but walking was now a real problem and began to resemble parkinson's. She began having issues with transitions (like going from the hardwood floor to the rug) and needed to be led around the house by my dad. In August 2014, my mom was diagnosed with a rare neurological disease called Cortical basal ganglionic degeneration (CBGD). The picture above is the first time my mom got to hold baby G. We took lots of pictures and it was a pretty special time.

We don't know what God has planned for 2015. I would appreciate your prayers for my dad as he cares for my mom. He is doing everything and that can get weary. Pray for mom as we can tell she is frustrated not being able to communicate and get her body to do what she would like it to do. She gets tired pretty easily also.
Life isn't promised to be easy. Sin is ugly and makes us long for the day we will be free from the consequences of sin and at home with our Savior. Thankful that though our bodies may perish, we have a home in heaven awaiting us. One where we will be whole and free to live as God intended--glorifying Him.
Your last paragraph was an encouragement. What a blessing we as believers have in Christ. It seems that the older I get the more I long for heaven! So sorry for your very difficult year. Praying right now, as I think of it, for your mom and family as they care for her. My father-in-law has Parkinson's, and the decline has been rapid and heartbreaking. It is very difficult watching the ones you love slowly deteriorate, and being able to do nothing about it. Praying!
Thank you for sharing with such clarity and care. We have been, and will continue to pray for all of you. Knowing a little more helps us pray better. We are but clay.
With love,
Dave & Kay Walton
Amanda, I had no idea that you and your family had such a difficult year. I am going to strive to pray for you each day!! My mom has been dealing with brain cancer for a while now, and as she continues to decline, I can sympathize with you and your mom. My mom is going blind, and she has had many other symptoms as she goes through radiation. I know that she is ready to see Jesus whenever He decides to take her home. Thank you so much for sharing! I love your blog!
My heart aches for you all. I treasure the time we had at Northland with your parents and you all have been in my prayers. Give my love to your parents and let them know I will continue to uphold them before the throne of grace.
Barb Pagano
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