B's 2nd birthday party went great. We had a few friends and family come to a local park for her party. Of course, we had to have a word world party. B. calls it "duck-duck" because duck is her favorite character. I worked hard making her cake and it turned out pretty well. She received a lot of great gifts and has thoroughly enjoyed playing with them. My little girl is growing up so fast. She has been talking in sentences for quite a while now and it is so fun to hear her talking like such a big kid. She loves to jump and run, give "big hugs" and kisses (if you're lucky). She's a pretty good girl for the most part, but does have her dramatic temper tantrums....she throws herself on the ground and cries, sometimes with a loud "no." Every stage is such fun and we are enjoying every minute that God gives us with our precious little girl.

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