This was a wonderful weekend. Friday began with my birthday and a wonderful evening out with just Tom and I. My parents arrived for the weekend and spoiled us by watching B. for the night. It was nice just to get some time to ourselves. Does anyone else struggle with getting out for a date night? It is really hard when you don't have family nearby and you're new to the area.
Saturday included B. opening up her Easter basket and the out for an egg hunt put on by the city. I should probably call it an egg dash since the eggs where just thrown on the ground and an all out run to get as many as possible. This was B's first egg hunt and she did fabulously grabbing up those eggs. She didn't win any big prizes but got plenty of candy that I really need to hide. :)

Sunday...which was supposed to just be a wonderful day rejoicing in what God has done...didn't start out very well. B. woke us up around 1:30/2am and after much crying and screaming finally went back to sleep around 3am. So, we were a little tired this morning at church. The service was great, praising our great God for all the He has done for us. Thank you Lord for the gift of life that You have given so freely for us.

We did our city "egg dash" last year too. I wasn't too impressed. This year we just did a small family egg hunt and it was much more fun!
And, YES, we have a very hard time getting regular date nights. We're in the same boat as you guys with no family around. BUT we started a babysitting swap with some friends from church that works really well. And then we don't have to pay for babysitting plus the kids already know our friends and are comfortable with them.
That's a great idea, Alicia. We'll have to see if we can get something like that started in our little group at church.
brooke is such a dolly. love her.
i am so glad you got to see your mom and dad.
jason and i have had a "Date" once since we moved her October 31. it is hard, because we have to hire a "team" of sitters to hold down our fort.
Alicia, a baby sitting swap would be great, but we would have to find another couple as crazy as us to want to put up with our kids.
Janelle, we have even thought of have 2 couples watching kids...maybe more with your crew :) and then they could fellowship while you go out....just a a thought.
Glad to hear you've at least had one. I don't know how you do it, Janelle, with all those kids. The Lord has sure given you His grace for that task. Love you.
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