Oleg's party for U.S. citizenship (August 16th),
stayed with friends (August 22-24th)
and then came the first round of B's shots. Oh...shots are not fun. It took her awhile to get back to herself. I'd say probably around a week or so. And then we ended the month of August with getting some photos done. Those I'll be putting up later.
September hasn't been quite as busy, but we did have a funeral to attend. My grandfather passed away Sept. 8th. We believe that he made a profession of faith before he died and that gives us hope. After the funeral, we had a family dinner at my aunt's house and I was able to catch up with many of my cousins that I have not seen in many years.
Holy cats, you have been busy! How's your piano teaching going? How much longer does Tom have in school? Is this his last year?
you look so good amanda!
Piano teaching is going okay. Things are a little better if Brooke sleeps through the lesson, but that doesn't always happen. She is a quiet baby though when she is up during the lesson. It's just that I can get distracted trying to teach and make sure she's happy. Tom has less than a year left of school. He will be graduating next July!!
Nice to catch up on your life a bit, Amanda:). HOpe you are doing well. Did you ever get the Baby Whisperer book? Is Brooke doing better? HOw is she doing at night. I have to have a hard core training week coming up this next week:) LOL Grant is getting too spoiled:)
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