she is a great baby and doesn't cry or fuss without a good reason.
For the 4th of July, Tom, I and B. along with my parents all went to the July 3rd Taste of Chicago and stayed for the fireworks that night. We met up with Tom's family there like we do every year. From there, we headed down to Tom's parents' house and stayed until July 5th. Below are some pictures from that time.
Tom is done with his summer session of classes and now is officially a 3rd year student in the program. Right now, we are enjoying Tom's 4 week vacation from school! It's so great that Tom can be home during this time in B's life. For the fall, Tom has 2 clinicals in a row from August to October and then October to December. We have less than a year left to go. So amazing!! If you think of it, you can pray for us as we begin to pray about where the Lord would have us to go after Tom is through with school.
What a sweet angel:)! Love the crying shot too. Gotta have those:) LOL Hey, I don't know why I didn't tell you and Sherry before now, but check out It is a life saver!!! I didn't know about it until Kendra was around 2 months old, but she slept through the night after I got it. I have used it with Grant now as well, and I do credit a lot of his great sleep through the night to that wonderful blanket! Check it out! Worth the money for sure.
It is so hard to believe they are this old already. It goes by so fast. Enjoy every minute! She sure is cute.
It was weird seeing you guys freezing in Chicago. We don't remember that anymore unless we are reminded:). IT is always hot here!
I love Taste of Chicago. When my parents lived there I loved doing that.
Take care!
Brooke is adorable! Don't worry, the crying peaks at 6 weeks and then gets better.
we were down there for the fireworks on the 3rd also! How funny if we had run into each other amidst the million people down there!
so fun -
isn't it crazy that our kids are getting so old already - jacob will be 6 weeks on saturday -
my boy however doesn't like sleeping as much as your kids do - oh well :)
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