B. had her first doctor's visit last Friday afternoon (2 days after we came home). Her discharge weight was 6 lbs. 9 oz. and as of Friday she was already gaining weight and was 6 lbs. 12 oz. So, that was great news!! She is doing well and just has a little jaundice like all newborns do.
So far, she has all of us wrapped around her finger and is having great success in getting us onto her schedule....tired during the day and up most of the night. And poor Tom has classes to get to and try to stay awake in. It has been quite the adjustment which no one can really prepare you for. And the lack of sleep can be overwhelming at times. I'm so thankful to have my mom here with us. She has been such a huge help making meals, cleaning and taking care of B. at times so that Tom and I can get some sleep. Each day is getting better and we just can't believe that she is finally here. Four years has been a long wait and we are enjoying (with our eyes opened by toothpicks) every minute with her!! We just thank the Lord for the little girl He has given us.
Warning...this includes details about labor that are not for the weak.
As far as the Labor story goes....
Sunday, June 1st my parents, Tom and I decided to eat out and spend some time walking around downtown after morning church. We walked quite a bit. After that we headed back home and tom and I took our sunday afternoon nap. I got up at 6pm ish and then began noticing contractions about 6:30pm. And the contractions didn't let up. Around 8:30-9:00 the contractions began getting closer and Tom decided to call the doctor. Doctor said to head to the hospital and we ended up at the emergency entrance about 9:30pm. When they checked me, I had dilated to 4 cm and they said I was a keeper. That was a relief because I didn't want to be sent home with false labor.
After they got me into the labor and delivery room, the doctor checked me and tried to break my water. We thought that he had gotten it, but it was hard to tell b/c B's head was so low. I ended up staying at 4-5 cm for quite a while. I think it was around 1:30-2am that they decided to try pitocin. So, then I was on that for a while as the contractions increased...hoping things would get going soon b/c i was getting pretty tired. The next doctor came in at 7 am and checked me and I was only 5-6cm dilated after all of that. She thought that maybe my water had not been broken and she tried to break it. She was able to break the bag and that was all I needed. She told me that it would probably be another 5 hrs before I would be completely dilated since usually you dilate a centimeter an hour and then pushing would be around 2 hrs. I wasn't too thrilled with that news. After my water broke, the contractions were getting pretty intense and in no time at all I had the urge to push. So, Tom got the nurse back in there and sure enough I had dilated from 5-6cm to 9.5 cm. She went to get the doctor and by then I was fully dilated. They hurried about trying to get things set up as I worked through the contractions trying not to push. So, I started pushing around 8:41 am. I ended up pushing for an hour and 7 min. About half-way through, my strength started giving out and they told me I could get an epidural still if I wanted one. It had gotten to the point that i was dreading each contraction as they would come. So, I said ok that I would like to get one. Well, with the epidural team on standby, I just kept pushing and ended up pushing her out without any meds. Truly amazing. I was able to reach down and get my baby and then she promptly wet herself all over me. The repair work actually took longer than pushing her out. I did have an episiotomy but had also torn in other places. So, healing has taken a bit longer. I'm finally starting to feel better and am so thankful.
There were some funny things actually that I said that I should share. In between pushes, the doctor or nurse said that B. could still hear me and I should talk to her. And my reply to that was, "oh, I'm so sorry." Poor girl had to hear her mother yelling and screaming from all the pain. The other thing was that they told me I could order anything to eat and I told them that I wanted Subway b/c I wanted deli-meat.
Well, B. is ready to eat so I'd better end this blogging session. Thanks to everyone for all the congrats. She really is a wonderful little girl. And we are so thankful to have her.
good job amanda! i am so glad it all went so well. she is beautiful.
i will pray that you get all rested up before your mom has to leave. - she is so smilie already! wow. she is so so cute.
Congrats! She is beautiful! lad things went well, great job going natural. Get some rest, and enjoy every second!
What a wonderful sight she is,of course I'm partial. I told your mom she smiled the first time I talked to her and there it is again. Love you and Tom and Brooke. Lord has trully gifted us!
That is such a great picture! What a cutie pie!
Say hi to your mom for me. Aren't we glad the labor and delivery part is over? Now if we could just get some sleep, right?:)
Take care of yourself!
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