Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Surprise baby shower and Update

This past Friday, Tom's classmates got together and planned a food and game night. Little did we know that they had planned this for us and showered us with gifts for baby. It was definitely unexpected and so kind of all of them to do this for us. We are truly amazed at all that people have done for us.
I also had my last day at work on saturday. It was a long one for me, but I got through it. When i got there, my co-workers had gotten me a cake and then another co-worker, Cristina, who is from the Dominican Republic, brought in chicken fajitas and all the fixings to go with it. They were the best!!! I'm sure our customers were wondering why it smelled like a mexican restaurant when they were paying for their shoes. It was a regular party all day long. We had a lot of fun and I know that I will miss working with all of them. They truly made coming to work easier.
At my last appointment, the doctor didn't say much except that it was time to tell our little girl that she needed to pack her bags and get ready to leave her current home. The doctor will be checking at my next appointment which is scheduled for Wednesday to see if I have progressed any. I've been having contractions on and off, but nothing regular or strong.

1 comment:

Troy & Sherry said...

praying for you friend!
i have my next apt on wednesday as well but they won't check me again until i am 39 weeks...last week i was 50% effaced and no dilation.
love ya!

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