Thursday, May 22, 2008

Latest Dr. appointment

Yesterday I had my weekly doctor's appointment. Baby sounds great. I'm not dilated but the baby has dropped and is at -2 station. This means that she has dropped into position and is actually lower than when most women start labor. Of course, this explains the increased pressure to my tail bone. haha The doctor reminded us that first babies do tend to be later and usually arrive 5 days past their due date. So, now we just wait, and wait. I think we are ready for her. We're going to finish putting away everything in her room this weekend and get some final pictures to put up here on the website. I can't believe there's only 1.5 weeks left until her due date. Wow.


the johnson crew said...

not to depress you or anything, but i dropped six weeks before chi was born, and he was a week late. i was dilated to 4 for over 2 weeks... he just wasn't coming out! - i can't wait to meet your little girl!

Troy & Sherry said...

amanda - we were in the waiting game with you as well- we have two weeks left based on our later due date- only a week left like you based on our 2nd ultrasound - i am praying he comes before his due date but we know how that goes - praying for you guys! can't wait to see her :)

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