Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Relay for Life

Friday, April 11th, Tom and I went to the Relay for Life event that was held at his school. They started at 6pm and went until 6am the next morning. We stayed until about 11pm...this pregnant mommy couldn't handle anything later than that. This was my first time at an event like this. We went in support of Tom's classmate, Erik. He gave a speech about his cousin, Kyle, who passed away last year from cancer. Kyle was only 15 yrs. old. From talking with Erik, his cousin did profess to know the Lord and was quite an example in the way he handle his disease by leaning on his faith in Christ....what a testimony.
They had events going on the whole night and even provided free meals that had been donated by local restaurants. Below are some pictures from the evening.

Mari, who is one of Tom's classmates, is a cancer survivor. This picture was taken during the survivor's lap around the gym.

The back of mari's shirt.

Tom put on a velcro suit for one of the games they had.

Tom actually got stuck and had a really hard time getting down.

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