Sunday, March 30, 2008

9 weeks left to go

Amazingly enough, I only have 9 weeks left. Hurrah!!! As the belly gets due date can't come soon enough. Working is definitely getting harder since I can't bend down to get those shoes off the floor too easily. I'm planning on working until May 17th...we'll see how long I last being on my feet so long. The past two weeks my ankles have started swelling after being on my feet for longer than 4.5 hours.
A couple of weekends ago, Tom's sister Carrie and her husband Jon came to visit us from PA. They came bearing many gifts for our little girl. It was really nice to spend time with them. These are the pictures from when they were with us.

So many gifts. They were so generous!! Thanks for everything Jon and Carrie!

I got to play around with Carrie's new toy from Christmas--Cricut machine.

Downtown in our city.

Carrie dyed her vernors green in honor of St. Patty's day.

Playing Catan...of course! We did get to introduce them
to the cities and knights version for the first time.

This weekend was birthday weekend. The big 3-0 for Tom actually. He finally joined the thirties club. Tom's parents came up on thursday to take us out for our birthdays and then my parents came over on saturday to take us out for our birthdays. We are so spoiled!! It was really nice to get to spend time with both sets of parents.


Unknown said...

Happy birthday to you both! I can'y believe you already have less than 10 weeks left to go! Yay!

By thhe way, would you mind emailing me some info about your piano lessons? My sis-in-law lives in Lowell and she's going to be piano teacher shopping for her two kids this summer/fall. I told her about you and I'd like to give her your contact info.

Alyssa said...

Where is the tummy shot??? :) We are almost done, girl:)! Yea!

the johnson crew said...

oh wow, only 9 weeks. you look great amanda.

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