The pregnancy is going well. Our little one is kicking harder and harder as she gets bigger. My belly has been popping out more and more. It's sure hard to bend over and my winter coat is getting a little too snug. I just need it to make it a little bit longer.... Just recently I went to JC Penny's and found some great deals. The sweater that I'm wearing in the photo I found on the clearance rack for $4.97. I was also able to get some other tops for $3.97. I love it when I can find such awesome deals.
On Friday, Tom had his last day being at his clinicals. Hurrah!! So, his second round of clinicals is officially over. His classes begin on monday breaks this time.
You look darling, Amanda! I hear ya - my heart rejoices over great deals in department stores. I love thrifting too (which I did a TON of during my pregnancy since my winter coat wouldn't zip) but there's something extra special about buying something new for pennies. Enjoy those dinner dates while you still can!
By the way, how much longer does Tom have until he's done with his degree?
You look so great! How cute! Love the new pictures. Love great deals too! You got some good ones for!
Don't you love being pregnant??
Alicia--Tom has until June or July 2009. So it is getting closer, hurrah!
I do still have sick moments (unlike when I was pregnant with Kendra), but they are not as often or as bad as the first trimester.
We are excited for his arrival soon!! Good chatting with you again. Take care!
you look wonderful amanda. i am so glad your pregnancy is going well. what a blessing. how far along are you?
ok i am ready for an update :)
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