Monday, June 04, 2007

Tom's last week...

Hurrah! Tom will be done with his first round of clinicals on Thursday this week. I am throughly excited that he will be done and back home all the time instead of just on the weekends. Of course, he will be beginning his summer classes on Monday. So, not too much of a break for him.
I am doing pretty well. It looks like I'll be getting quite a few hours at work for the next two weeks. And that is always nice since I'm only short hour (which means that I can work anywhere from 1-39 hrs in any given week, but I can only have 1000 hrs per year.) I am also starting a new adult student tomorrow and that is pretty exciting. So, all together that makes 3 students thus far. I'm hoping to get around 20 students by this fall, but I'll be happy with whatever the Lord brings my way.


Unknown said...

Yay for both you and Tom! You'll have to celebrate. When does he do his 2nd round of clinicals? Congrats on the new student.

Amanda T said...

Alicia--Tom's next clinical is in January 2008 and that one is 6 weeks long.

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