Going back to school has been a good experience for both of us. It is different when you're older and going back to school with people who are 5 years younger than you. It really makes you feel OLD. It's been a little difficult having my husband studying 24/7, but every once in a while I can get him to take a break long enough to have dinner with me. Daily, I continue to remind myself that this is only for 3 years.
Tom has been involved with intramural sports here lately--volleyball and soccer--and it has been fun to watch. I've gotten to meet a lot of his colleagues through this and he really does have a great group of people to be around these next 3 years. The first two pictures are of his intermural soccer team and in the second picture from left to right is Tom, Jen, Rachel, Chris, Kelly and Dave (I'm pretty impressed with myself right now for remembering their names. There are 40 classmates all together and i'm slowly learning everyone's name.) The last two pictures are from 3 on 3 Volleyball intermurals. Tom, Leah and Chris played together and they did very well. They ended up taking first place in the A league division, and won the 3 -3 tournament earning t-shirts that said volleyball champions on the back.
Those are a few things I wanted to share from our very hectic life. While it is hectic...we are also enjoying every bit of it. The Lord had us wait a while to get to this point and we are so thankful for His leading and guiding. Who knows...maybe 2 years ago we wouldn't of been so excited to be here. Anyone else having a pretty hectic life right now? or are there any other graduate school wives missing their husbands? Maybe we should start a club called the Graduate Student Wives club.
hi amanda... that would be weird going back to the school atmosphere. whenever i visit home, i feel like i am the same ages as all the colege students, but i am practically a decade older than the freshman...so sad. oh well. i am glad you guys are enjoying grand rapids. i am sorry you don't get to spend much time with tom...that would be tough. have you made friends? what do you do with your time? are you teaching piano?
Hello, lonely grad wife! I lived 4 years with a part-time seminary student...studying all the time, working, churching...and then i thought we were done, and he starts another degree! but it's all good, and even better this time around as he does his work in block classes. Have fun teaching piano. i do a little of that on the side too!
COUNT ME IN!!! Can Chloe join too? We are into our 2nd year of Matt's phd work and I'm wishing it were all over with. The first year was exciting, new baby, new home, new school, new life. But now it's getting old. What I hate is seeing Matt work so hard at studying and reading all the time - the guy gets few real breaks. I ask God to help me take one day at a time so I don't get discouraged looking at the big chunk of time left. Hang in there, girl. Your journey is just beginning!
Thanks everyone for sympathy towards my "situation." Of course Chloe can join...she is as much in the "situation" as the rest of us. We are hanging in there. Mid-terms were this week and A LITTLE ON THE STRESSFUL SIDE. But now the tension is relieving and it's nice to have normal tom home again...if you know what i mean.
As far as piano goes...i'm praying for 20 students. So far I've gotten one after advertising only since the end of August. So, 1 down 19 to go. This would be a tremendous help to the financial situation...since tom has no time to work. So i'd appreciate the prayers in this area.
Good to hear from you! I bet you wish you could be right out there with him in the intramural sports.:) They should do retreats for wives of students the weekend after mid-terms or finals to get some r& r :).
This is kinda late - but I'm with you on the Graduate Wives Club. School was cool in kindergarten, but now not as much. Thankfully, we're nearing the end and this is Stephen's last year, that's only be God's grace. My advice is to make sure you find some date time in the midst of the busyness :)
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