Monday, April 03, 2006

Happy Birthday to Us!

Tom and i had our birthday week. His was last monday and mine was yesterday.
For Tom's b-day we had breakfast together at Bob Evan's before he headed across the state to work. He's still a youngin' at only 28.
It's so hard to believe that i'm leaving my 20's. Yes, i'm afraid i just hit the big 30. Truthfully i was dreading it, but i did end up having a good birthday. Since tom and i were in jr. church this month, we brought cupcakes to church for my b-day. The kids thought that was just great! Then after church, we went out for lunch at a cute little sandwich place.
It was a good day.


S said...

Well you look great for 30! :) I am dreading that b-day too, but like they say 40 is the new 30 if that helps at all. That's great you can celebrate you b-day together. Tom is the same age as Stephen.

Amanda T said...

Shannon--Thanks for the encouraging words. Hopefully by the time i'm 40 they'll still be saying that is the new 30!

Unknown said...

HAPPY 30th old lady! :) Just joking dear. You do look great for 30. I'm still 1.5 years away from the big 3-0 but it doesn't seem old to me anymore.

Amanda T said...

Alicia--Thanks for birthday comments. Yes, it really isn't that old...although, i think i feel that way since we haven't even had any children yet. But we know that God's timing is best on that.

Bequita17 said...

Happy birthday from Africa! Hey - it's great to catch up with you (notice I didn't say catch up to you -ha!). Actually, my 30th is coming up in May - eek! Nobody ever believes that though - so I'm not worrying too much about it! Thank goodness for great hair color :) Keep in touch!

The Two of Us said...

Happy Birthday to you! Great to hear from you again. Do you mind if I link to you on my blog page?

Amanda T said...

Becky--so great to be in touch with you again. And thanks for the birthday congrats. I'm glad to hear that you'll be crossing that plain here soon into the relm of the 30 somethings! It really isn't so bad. And i did get a comment from someone at church on my birthday that was really nice....they said," you're 30!!!" That always makes me feel quite good that i don't look my age.

Sandra--so good to be in touch with you again. Definitely put me on your blog and i'll be doing the same on mine. It'll be good to be able to check in on each other's happenings in life.

bethoven said...

Amanda! So glad you ran across my web page and blog. Great to hear from you. I need to start a section of links on my blog for Northland buddies! Didn't realize Sandra & Mike had a blog I'll have to look them up.

Ah, birthdays, yes, my 28th is coming up next month. 30 is sounding awfully close...
--Beth Hill

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