Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Little known fact....

When it comes to video games....tom and i are hooked. I think it has to do with the fact that we were that original generation of gamers as children. What i think is so cool is that Tom has games on the computer that i used to play as a kid on Coleco Vision and games from Atari 26oo that he used to play.
Of course we do have the ps2 and enjoy playing games such as Rachet & Clank, Ty, Spyro, and some others. Crazy, i know...most people probably wouldn't see me as a gamer, but i just can't help myself.


Unknown said...


You're right, I wouldn't have thought of you as a video game girl. But now that you mention it, I can picture you hitting the console (or whatever it's called!) and getting wild with that competitive spirit of yours!

As for me, the last time video game I played was Sonic the Hedgehog. Is that still around? Nothing beats Mario though. :)


Kelly Glupker said...

I love Mario! When Ben and I went up to the U.P to see Ben and Brooke over Christmas break, I noticed the old nintendo game system with Mario 3 in it! I was so excited. I immediately began to play. A couple weeks later my husband pulled out a surprise for me - he found an old nintendo and a Mario 3 game! I am currently in the last world and ready to beat the game. How fun! (I'm such a nerd.)

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