Tom and i have been married now for 3 years. I'm so thankful that God directed us together. For those who don't know, our story is quite amazing.
I was over in Russia serving on the mission field with my parents after graduating from college. It was during this time that my parent's mission board had a meeting in Irkutsk, Russia for all Russian missionaries with our mission board. Little did i know that Tom was planning to come over to Russia with his family to visit his sister and her family(who are with the same mission board) in Irkutsk, Russia. His dad was also to be a speaker at our conference. What is so crazy is that i had met Tom's dad while i was up at college and Tom had met my parents and my brother while they were traveling around to churches. But Tom and i had never met. Obviously, it just wasn't the Lord's timing.
So, this is how tom and I met. We hit it off right away and it didn't take long before we were engaged and married.....about a year to be exact.
We're currently waiting to hear from graduate school for tom.
Welcome to the blogging world. Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. How did you find me?
Wow, I had never heard the story of how the Lord brought you and Tom together. Amazing how the Lord preserved both of you until just the right time and just the perfect moment.
Is Tom becoming a PT? I thought that's what you said at Janelle's wedding. Is he going on to get his DPT? What are you up to? Are you working somewhere or staying home? Are you two thinking of having children any time soon?
Keep in touch dear. I'll be a frequent visitor to your blogsite!
Because of Christ,
It was so great to read about how God brought you together. What a tribute to the sovereignty of God of bringing the two of you together. Good to hear from you also!
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