Friday, January 13, 2012

Time for an Update...

Well, it looks like it's been forever since I've posted about our family.  Uh...since August.  I do have one good excuse.  My favorite camera ever...Nikon broken.  Sooo sad about that.  The shutter likes to stick and then doesn't take a photo.  So, instead of shelling out $250.00 to fix that, I'm going to put that money towards an upgrade....a Nikon D90.  So, my pictures will be less than stellar until I have enough money to buy the D90.  We did purchase a small point n shoot over black friday so that we at least have a camera.
And it is really important that we have a working camera b/c we are expecting a little boy around May.  Glad to be over half way through this and getting closer to holding him in my arms.  We have 5 babies in heaven due to miscarriages and one sweet girl here to hug.  We're praying that the Lord will allow us to have this little boy here to hug as well.  We know that He is in control and are resting in that as best we can. :)  Some days are easier than others.
B is a ball of energy as usual.  She is looking older every day.   Below are some crazy pictures of my kid.

 B likes to lift her arm up and say, "Smell me."  She thinks it's pretty funny.

 Our camping trip.

We really enjoyed our busy summer.  So thankful for the time we got to spend together.  I'll have to put up the christmas photos next.  Hopefully, then I'll be caught up and stay that way.  :)

Frito Lay Snacks and Recycling

A while ago I received a nice little package from the Frito Lay company telling me about their great adventure of transforming an existing facility to run primarily on renewable energy.  The products you see above are from that facility in Casa Grande, Arizona.  This plant has accomplished their task of being green while produces some GREAT snacks!!  75% of the facilities' water is recycled.  They have reduced greenhouse gases by 50% and they have reduced the use of natural gas by 80%.  It is possible to be a good steward of the Earth that we have been given while producing products for consumption.  Thank you Frito Lay for doing your part!
By the way...the snacks they sent were gone in no time.  :)  Gotta love Frito Lay snacks.  Very tasty!!

**Disclosure: These snacks we're sent to me by the Frito Lay company.
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