Last week the hot spot was B's toys and clothes. It was quite a task, but I got her room organized...again. It seems like every time she enters a new stage, I need to go through and organize her room again. Take out the baby toys and re-think what's best for her at this stage of life. And of course, the never ending clothes rotation can add up quickly to a huge amount of items to store. While I didn't get to the clothes storage issue in my basement, I did get to b's toys and closet. So here are the before and after photos.
I took out b's little peoples and put her baby doll stuff in here instead. She is really in to babies right now.
I went through the other bin too and kept only the things she really likes and plays with in there.
At Christmas time was received a lot of books from Tom's co-worker whose kids are older now. So, I went through all the books and only kept the age appropriate ones out for now. I stored the rest for later.
Games on one side and craft bin and coloring book bin on the other side.
Basket with painting supplies and Sticker/Pasting/Drawing etc. books
Toys at eye level for B to get out for herself.
New crayon bin
I only worked on the little shelf in her closet this time. I put a new bin in there to hold her 4t clothes that should probably fit by winter. Then I left a few blankets and her fan that we use in the summertime. I was able to go through the 2 upper cupboards. I took down all the diapers (since she's potty trained now) and took down all of the other baby things that were up there.
Whew....glad to be done with that. On to Hot spot #4 this week...Pantry and Refrigerator.