Monday, March 29, 2010

Digiorno Pizza party and Tom's Birthday

Well, this past weekend was busy. I had registered online at again and won another opportunity to host a party. (The first party was a Martha Stewart party.) This time it was for a Digiorno Pizza Party. I received 6 coupons for free pizza and got to invite some friends over. We were supposed to have it last weekend, but B. and I got sick. So we postponed it to this weekend, which happened to be Tom's birthday. We had a great time and the pizza was really good. It comes with breadsticks and marinara sauce too. If you have time, you should sign up at and see if you can host a party yourself. It's free and really easy to fill out an application for the party of your choosing.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Long awaited pictures of our house

Well, it's not all the pictures of our house, but here are the few I've taken this week.

Our front door

Our Front Entryway
Door ahead is a closet

Beautiful hardwood floors.

Looking into our living room

Looking to the right in our living room.
We have huge windows that let in so much light.

Looking back toward the entryway.

Pocket door between the living room and entryway.

My piano studio area.

Looking into the dinning room.

Our dinning room
The door on the right goes down a hallway to our bedrooms and bathroom.

Stay tune for more pictures as I get the rooms done and cleaned.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

LIfe in a New City

We have been thoroughly enjoying living in our new city. I love my house. It is so great being in our own place and getting to make improvements and PAINT!!!! It has been fun and I'm hoping that I'll get to take some pictures this weekend and post our house all settled...well....mostly settled.
B. has enjoyed the last two weeks that we've been able to attend story time at our local library. We even got to take home a book to keep this past week. B. is just taking off in every way. The other night we read a book that she has had for a while. It is an ABC book. She actually read it to us. She pointed to each letter and said their names. The only 2 she didn't know were "Q" and "Y". Everything else came pretty easily to her. She is now saying sentences like, "Here you go, mommy" and "Where are you, ______("daddy", "papa", "uh-oh"--that is her pacifier)?" And she repeats a lot of our sentences back to us. I can't believe that she is 21 months already and 2 is closing in fast....3 more months. Where does the time go? Oh, and one other thing she does is point out the letters in her name which are hanging on her wall and then says her name loudly for all to hear. So cute.
The other night we were out to dinner with friends at a pretty nice place and when our food came (which was steak), B. began mooing very loudly over and over again. Gotta love life with a toddler.
Well, that is it for now. Hopefully, I'll get to post more often now that things are beginning to get into a routine.
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