In our house, our kids are known as "keepers," the ones God allowed us to keep after enduring five miscarriages.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
B's 1st year photo shoot
Finally about a month late we were able to take some photos of B. She is so much fun to photograph. I just love it. It is amazing how far she has come. She is pretty much trying to repeat most of the words we ask her to say, and it is so cute! As far as walking goes, she has been going between Tom and I fairly well for a while now, but has still been cautious when by herself. But just this past week she is starting to get a little more daring. So I don't think it will be long before she is toddling around quite well. To see more photos click here.

Monday, July 13, 2009
Done with school!!!!
This past saturday was tom's final graduation. HURRAH!!! We were truly amazed that we are finally at the destination that we have been waiting for.....Dr. Tom Trumbull. It has taken a long time to get here in our eyes but it is all perfect timing in God's eyes. We're glad that He is the one orchestrating our steps and not us.
Thursday night was the DPT '09ers party.
Saturday was graduation with a small reception afterward. We even found a garden and were able to take some pictures of Brooke since we hadn't gotten any first year pictures of her yet. We had a small party in the park with friends and family that lived in the area. Overall the day was just perfect!! Congratulations, Tom!!! We are so proud of all that you have accomplished!
Thursday, July 02, 2009
The Final Clinical Is DONE!!!
Believe it or not we are in the home stretch of finishing the schooling part of our lives...unless I decided to go back. :) Tom's last day of is final clinical was yesterday. Next week begins all the festivities with Research Day (where he presents his research project on a poster) and the Graduation 09ers party on Thursday, Exit Interviews on Friday and then the Graduation Ceremony on Saturday. Then Tom is taking a week off before starting to work part time for the new company that hired him. In his spare time, he'll be studying for the boards he has to take in August to get licensed, and then he'll be able to work full-time.
B. is 13 months today. She is amazing. Her vocabulary is really taking off. In addition to saying, mama, dada, baba, she is regularly saying hot, stop, help, and bye-bye.
We just got back on Sunday from our camping trip with some friends up in Traverse City. We had a great time...well, once B. got some sleep that is. The first night was pretty rough, but it did get better after that. She just loved the beach and the water. Click here for more pictures.
B. is 13 months today. She is amazing. Her vocabulary is really taking off. In addition to saying, mama, dada, baba, she is regularly saying hot, stop, help, and bye-bye.
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