Saturday, May 31, 2008

May 30th Doctor Appointment

Baby is doing well. I am now dilated to 2cm and the baby's head is pretty low. The baby was also face up, so the doctor gave me some ideas of what to do to get her to turn and keep the contractions going if they start up again like they did last monday night. So far I've only had a contraction here and there but nothing steady. My parents got in last night and we're all hoping that she will come soon. I know that could be wishful thinking, but we're thinking positively here!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a great weekend together enjoying the beautiful weather and just time together before B arrives. We were able to take some pictures out at the park on saturday afternoon. We had a lot of fun setting up our own shots and getting pictures of my belly before the baby comes. Of course, we can't wait to be taking pictures of our little girl!!!

On Sunday, we were invited over for pizza with a group of people from church. It was great to get to meet some of the church members. Later we headed to a small town nearby that had fireworks. For memorial day, Tom and I just slept in and worked on getting things ready for the baby, grilled steak and just relaxed.
Tom also took some pictures of the robin's nest outside our bedroom window. One of the eggs must of hatched that day. And the other egg must of hatched during the day because that night there were two of them in the nest.

As far as baby news goes, I had pretty strong contractions last night, but they quit this morning. My next appointment is on Friday. We'll let you know if anything changes.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Latest Dr. appointment

Yesterday I had my weekly doctor's appointment. Baby sounds great. I'm not dilated but the baby has dropped and is at -2 station. This means that she has dropped into position and is actually lower than when most women start labor. Of course, this explains the increased pressure to my tail bone. haha The doctor reminded us that first babies do tend to be later and usually arrive 5 days past their due date. So, now we just wait, and wait. I think we are ready for her. We're going to finish putting away everything in her room this weekend and get some final pictures to put up here on the website. I can't believe there's only 1.5 weeks left until her due date. Wow.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Surprise baby shower and Update

This past Friday, Tom's classmates got together and planned a food and game night. Little did we know that they had planned this for us and showered us with gifts for baby. It was definitely unexpected and so kind of all of them to do this for us. We are truly amazed at all that people have done for us.
I also had my last day at work on saturday. It was a long one for me, but I got through it. When i got there, my co-workers had gotten me a cake and then another co-worker, Cristina, who is from the Dominican Republic, brought in chicken fajitas and all the fixings to go with it. They were the best!!! I'm sure our customers were wondering why it smelled like a mexican restaurant when they were paying for their shoes. It was a regular party all day long. We had a lot of fun and I know that I will miss working with all of them. They truly made coming to work easier.
At my last appointment, the doctor didn't say much except that it was time to tell our little girl that she needed to pack her bags and get ready to leave her current home. The doctor will be checking at my next appointment which is scheduled for Wednesday to see if I have progressed any. I've been having contractions on and off, but nothing regular or strong.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Baby Showers

Two weeks ago, we had 2 baby showers in one week. I can't believe all that we got for B. It was amazing. The Lord has provided so much for her and we know that He will continue to provide for our little family. One was a family shower and the other was given by our young married's group from the church we attended previously before we moved. Here are a few of the pictures.

Young Married's Group Shower

Family Shower
The table and chair coverings were all done by my aunts who own their own business and do special events.

I had to throw in this last picture of B's stuff after we got home and began to separate everything out to see what we had and if we needed anything before she came. Uhhh....I don't think we'll need much of anything after these 2 showers. We are so blessed.

Mom's Day

This mom's day was special for me since I only have 3 weeks until my due date. Four years ago, I was mourning the loss of our first miscarriage at this time. The Lord has truly filled our hearts with joy at the anticipation of the coming birth of our little girl. It's been a long wait and we are so excited. Tom and I went out to Applebee's for dinner after church...we even had dessert, strawberry cheesecake shooters. It was fabulous.

Tom finished painting the dresser we found on craig's list. It looks great. We were then able to work a little in Brooke's room trying to get her stuff put away.


Tuesday, May 06, 2008

We finally have a name!!

Well, we finally have picked out a name for our little girl.  Now we are just waiting for her to arrive. Can't believe we have less than 4 weeks left.
Tom began school again this past Monday. He's already talked to his teachers and everyone is willing to work with him so that he can miss a few days of class when Brooke is born. Tom also received his placements for his next 2 clinicals (which are back to back) and both are going to be near where we are currently living. This is a relief considering he would have missed about 4 months of little Brooke's life if his placements would of been far away. Each rotation this time will be 9 weeks. They begin in August and end in December. We are thankful that the Lord has worked it out for him to be close by.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Doctor appointment and baby crib

Well, we had the last of the 2 week appointments yesterday and now we are going every week. All is well. My doctor checked my cervix and it is open a little already. I can't believe we are getting so close.
Tom finished the crib and we took some pictures. It's so beautiful. Things are beginning to come together for our little one's room. It's so exciting.


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