We've been trying to get back into the school groove and it has been difficult to do that after having such an awesome break. Tom is really enjoying his classes and excited about learning. I'm not sure if any of you know this, but on May 7th Tom will be beginning his first clinical rotation. Each student gets to pick the top 10 places they'd like to go and then the school decides which facility would best strengthen your education. Of course i'm not looking forward to this since he can get sent to any of the 10 places and not all of them are very close. So, I may be spending 5 weeks by myself....I guess we'll see. This first rotational is only 5 weeks. Rotation #2 is 6 weeks, Rotation #3-5 are all 9 weeks long. I've been dreading this part...even before we moved. But I'm not flipping out. When it comes, we'll deal with it.
Thanks for checking out what's going on with us. We surely enjoy reading the comments and keeping in touch with everyone.
In our house, our kids are known as "keepers," the ones God allowed us to keep after enduring five miscarriages.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Happy New Year
Tom did very well on his exams and is in good standing with the school. He's been off for about 2 weeks and has one week left until school begins again. He only has 5 classes (16 credits) this time instead of the 7 classes (17 credits) he had last semester. The rumor is that the first semester is the hardest.
Amanda has good news---she found out last week that the store she works at wanted her to stay!!! So, that was an answer to prayer for a more permanent job. She also has another student starting in January.
We have finally recruited some people to play Settlers of Catan with us. Since Tom was on break, we ended up having the time to get together to play some games with Pastor Sam and his wife, Jill. Jill is definitely hooked. It's been fun to stay up 'til the wee hours of the morning (around 2am) playing catan...just like old times with the Swanks.
New year's eve and day went well...although, we didn't enjoy watching michigan loose again. This past saturday was family Christmas for Amanda's side. Unfortunately, she was unable to get work off in order for us to go. A little dissapointing, but that how it goes sometimes.
Right now we are enjoying ourselves down at Tom's parents house in Illinois. Amanda got the week off of work so that we could celebrate christmas together. It's is soooooooooo nice that Tom's parents have internet too. I'm sure the two of us will be online quite a bit this week.
For our Christmas this year, we decorated our tropical plant with white lights and ornaments from all of our trips since we've been married. I sure wish I could post that picture, but it was taken with the 35mm.
Just before Christmas this year we had some visitors. Mike and Kelly our friends from the other side of the state came and stayed overnight with us. We played lots of catan, of course, and Kelly went shoe shopping at my store too. We had a great time with them. A bright highlight to our Christmas.
Well, I think that about covers the last few weeks. Hope all you had a great Christmas and new year also.
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