Tuesday, December 12, 2006

One day left....

Well....Tom only has one more final to take tomorrow and then he will officially be done with his first sememster at graduate school. It's unbelievable to both of us that we're already done with one sememster. Only 2 1/2 years to go!!!!!! I think Tom's pretty tired after taking so many tests with such a vast amount of information. So, i'm glad that he gets about 3 weeks off between semesters. As far as the shoe world goes, things are going well I would say. I do get a pretty great discount on shoes. And being around all those shoes is quite tempting to say the least. I have about 2 weeks left that I know of. Not sure if they will ask me to stay on or not. So, I guess I'll see. So, things are going pretty well for us here. The Lord is good and He provides what we need.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Meagan and Chris' Wedding 11.25.06

Thanksgiving 2006

For Thanksgiving this year, Tom and I invited his parents and sister to join us at our place this year, and they took us up on the offer. It was great to have tom's sister, Lynnette, here too since she often can't get work off. We had a wonderful meal, and I made a carmel pear pie that was so delicious.
We were able to play rummikub together. Although, Lynnette kept winning most of time.
We did have an enjoyable time together, and I'm so thankful for the holidays we can share together.
I can't help but miss my parents too. It's hard not having them here for the holidays. So, parents if you are reading this message....we love you and missed you at Thanksgiving. And we can't wait 'til you are home to share some of the holidays with us in the future. Love you!!!! (ps. hope your turkey from germany turned out well!)
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