Last monday (may15th), Tom and I returned home from our 12 day vacation. We had a lot of fun and made some lasting memories. We headed down to South Carolina to see Tom's little sister, Carrie, graduate from college. My husband dared his sister to get her picture taken with Dr. Bob III, and Carrie went for it. She started talking to Benneth and soon after Tom was snapping the photo. So, I have to give a shout out to my sis-in-law for completing the dare! Way to go!!
I even saw some people from the college I graduated from there. We had great weather which provided a great day for picture taking. It was my first experience being in a service at this college--one that I had heard so much about from my husband. I got to hear THE Creed and THE song/anthem. So, now when people start joking around about the creed and the song written for this college, I know what they're talking about.
As I said before, my husband's family usually has interesting things happen on their vacations and this one was no exception. We arrived at the campground just before it began to get dark. It had started to sprinkle, but we were able to get our tent up before it really started to pour....that was later that night. We settled in and went to bed. Around 2am i woke up. It had been raining for a while by that time and I wanted to look around and see if the water was coming in our tent. Well, we ended up with a puddle down by our feet. It was a good thing we were on really thick mats and that our tent was on a slope--yeah our tent site was not the greatest, our heads were higher then our feet. Shortly after the 2am wake up, it just started to pour really hard outside and lightning. Needless to say, we had a great first night with little sleep, and a great next day bailing out our tent and letting all our bedding dry. At least only parts of things got wet down by our feet and not everything in the tent. My husband has told me a story about a time when it rained and he and his sisters were floating in their tent on their air mattresses...so it could of been worse. So this is how our vacation began... I'll post more later.